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Can Microsoft Teams replace your intranet?

How to achieve maximum engagement and collaboration
in the digital workplace with a Microsoft Teams intranet

How can a Microsoft Teams intranet work for your business?

Intranets have been a mainstay of the business world now for more than two decades.

Since the earliest intranets were released, the world of technology has changed fundamentally. Today, people work from any device and location, accessing their workloads and files from the cloud and their mobile devices.  

What’s the secret to an intranet that encourages productivity and enhances the employee experience? The answer might be an increasingly popular collaboration solution: Microsoft Teams.

In this whitepaper, we will look at the key considerations for organizations when thinking of whether to implement Microsoft Teams as a company intranet.  

  • Is Teams a good fit for my organization’s intranet?
  • How can we structure general content vs Microsoft Teams specific content?
  • What about the role of information architecture?
  • Will my SharePoint investment remain relevant?
Microsoft Teams intranet white paper

SharePoint Intranets aren’t going anywhere. There’s room for SharePoint AND Teams.

Stephanie Donahue
Microsoft RD & MVP
President/Co-founder at PAITgroup

A key benefit of Microsoft Teams is the ability to unify all your content and information in a single interface. However, it’s crucial to ensure this is done with some structure and consideration – otherwise it runs the risk of being the next version of the messy network drive. Organizations shouldn’t rush to dismiss SharePoint as a powerful provider of communications and information architecture capabilities; instead they should look to play to the strengths of both SharePoint and Teams.”

Loryan Strant
Microsoft MVP
Co-founder at Strant Consulting

Today, if you navigate to a Microsoft Channel, you can see everything you need in one place. For focused Teams, this can absolutely replace traditional SharePoint experiences as the primary place users work. Once you elevate from the channel focus to the broader Microsoft Team, things start to become more challenging.

Richard Harbridge
Microsoft 365 MVP
CTO at 2toLead

One of the things we are asked about again and again is whether we think Teams can make for a good intranet. Our position has shifted considerably since Teams first appeared. This is partly due to Microsoft’s ambitious roadmap which it is delivering on fast, but also due to tools like LiveTiles Everywhere, which provide added features for communications, engagement and navigation. If your people spend a lot of time in Teams, then this is well worth a look.

Dan Hawtrey
Managing Director
Content Formula

Teams is now so ubiquitous in many organizations that it changes how we should approach communication channels. Some things traditionally done by intranets are now better done on Teams, but that doesn’t mean everything is better on Teams. Intranets still have an essential role to play, the challenge is to re-balance how they sit alongside Teams and all other elements of a digital workplace. Given the flexibility of Teams, we might equally ask “Can MS teams replace your email?” as “Can MS teams replace your intranet?”

Sam Marshall
Clearbox Consulting
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