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Department for Child Protection, South Australia​

Government of South Australia, Child Protection Logo

The South Australian Department for Child Protection works in partnership with vulnerable families, other government and non-government organizations, foster carers and the community to keep children and young people safe and give them the same opportunities as other young South Australians.

Oceania, Australia

The Challenge

Newly established, the South Australian Department for Child Protection needed to quickly build a digital environment for over 2,000 staff.

The Solution

LiveTiles partner Chamonix worked closely with DCP to simplify the SharePoint experience and build an entirely new intranet for over 2,000 staff in just a couple of months.

The Result

Working with Chamonix, DCP SA used LiveTiles to simplify the SharePoint experience and deliver an engaging corporate intranet for over 2,000 staff in just a few months.

The Challenge

“We had very few foundation systems an organization requires to operate,” explained Hamish Cameron, DCP’s Chief Information Officer.

“I knew we needed to get this going quickly if we were to succeed. That’s when I started looking at solutions to help build on top of SharePoint, make it look nicer, but importantly, reduce the build time.”

The Solution

According to Hamish Cameron, Chamonix really helped set the scene, crystalizing the look and feel and just ran with it. They exceeded expectations.

With LiveTiles Design deployed over SharePoint, DCP used a library of ‘drag and drop’ tools to build an engaging solution with intuitive search, document management and the business applications staff user every day.

“We got a great sense of where it could take us, and in an iterative way, rather than this 18-month project that delivers something that people asked for but not necessarily what they wanted.”

From a Chief Information Officer’s perspective, it’s about getting information to staff. We now have a great platform to do that.

The Result

With its new intranet, DCP SA has an engaging and mobile-friendly digital environment to support its workforce across the state.

“Our staff now have a functional, usable intranet that they haven’t had before with great search capabilities,” Hamish said.

“I can’t understate how important that is, when a department that is trying to focus on protecting vulnerable children and young people, that they are able to find what they’re looking for.”

Chamonix and LiveTiles took the hassle out of DCP SA’s intranet project, which has been a major win for the IT department.

“This has easily been the fastest intranet build and migration that I’ve been involved in, and one I can actually say has been successful,” Hamish said.

“From a Chief Information Officer’s perspective, it’s about getting information to staff. We now have a great platform to do that.”

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