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Introducing the Everywhere Widget in LiveTiles SharePoint Intranet 


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Table of Contents

The Everywhere Widget: it starts with you 

Whether you work at a Fortune 500 company, a university, or serve in the public sector, you don’t need us to tell you that you will benefit from tools that help your employees complete tasks faster. 

However, if productivity was an easy issue to resolve, we wouldn’t be talking about it. 

In a complex organizational environment like yours, whatever solution you implement needs to provide access to every tool your employees use to get work done, and quickly. 

This means making sense of high volumes of information, and delivering answers that are relevant to your end-user, whatever their role, wherever they are. 

It used to be easier said than done, but with the LiveTiles Everywhere Widget, embedded within LiveTiles Intranet, it really is simple to create a seamless digital workplace experience that puts every tool an employee needs just one-click away from them – at any time.  

Keep reading, and we can tell you how changing a little about LiveTiles will ultimately change everything for your organization. 

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The Everywhere Widget: what is it, and what does it do?

If intranet is your solution for managing the knowledge and information in your company, then the Everywhere Widget takes its capability one step further – in Intelligent Knowledge Management.

What is intelligent knowledge management?

  • When related to intranet, Intelligent knowledge management (IKM) [Gartner] means taking the frameworks and vast quantities knowledge you have within your organization- like your SharePoint intranet – logically organizing them, and making them simple and rapid for users to navigate.

AI tools – such as the LiveTiles AI Engine – are revolutionizing how organizations rapidly access, consume, share and store the increasing amounts of information within global, distributed , through user-friendly tools such as the Everywhere Widget.

In short, the Everywhere Widget – a floating widget that follows your users as they navigate your enterprise intranet – minimizes the time it takes for them to discover information, access applications and connect with people in your intranet platform.

Streamlined, always accessible, and customizable by your users, it ensures the most relevant and personalized digital workplace experience for employees of any intranet solution on the market.

So, let’s dive deeper and see what the Everywhere Widget can do.

The Everywhere Widget Features:

At just one click away, the Everywhere Widget will give your employees access to their most-used tools, an AI Assistant that finds what they ask it to, and a notification “inbox” that tells your employees only what they really need to know.

Here is what you will see when you open the Everywhere Widget.

Tab 1: AI Assistant

The LiveTiles AI Assistant is a virtual assistant that will let your employees find resources and applications on LiveTiles Intranet by asking it plain-language questions.

Powered by our Azure-based AI Engine, it saves untold time for employees, simply by letting them skip hunting for files or asking admins to help them find policies within your intranet, and providing immediate answers to their questions.

Read more about the AI Assistant, and the value-driving ethos behind LiveTiles’ AI Engine, here, or see it in action below.

Tab 2: The ‘Me’ Tab – Quick Links

The ‘Me’ tab puts your essential tools, documents and policies within your employees’ immediate reach. In other words, it’s a hub for finding exactly what you need, quickly:

  • ‘My Links’ lets employees put the most important links for them in easy reach – be it calendars, productivity tools or timesheets.
  • ‘Company Links’ lets admins organize useful links to help employees find what they need without resorting to the helpdesk – and it’s always relevant to their role and location.
  • Recent, shared and relevant documents – as well as a search function – ensure anything and everything within your intranet remains within reach, removing long-winded hunts for files.

Simple, but effective, it’s the gold standard in quick links that admins and users alike love.


Tab 3: Notifications

Notifications in your Everywhere Widget keep you up to date with all the news and happenings in your workplace.

It’s not just a tool that lets your employees filter, engage and interact with the updates that matter most to them.

Powered by our easy-to-manage, Notification Engine, it’s how LiveTiles delivers targeted, helpful notifications – quality over quantity.


For users, these features will transform their productivity and user experience. However, none of the additional functionalities of the Everywhere Widget make your administrator’s lives more difficult.

In fact, it will make their job far easier. Let us explain how.

The Everywhere Widget: for the administrators.

Whether working as part of an IT, internal comms or knowledge team, managing an intranet means providing seamless access to tools and information.

In a complex organization – spanning hundreds to thousands of users, multiple business units and even several languages – digital workspace management isn’t often simple.

However, a solution to that is only perfect for users if it’s perfect for the teams responsible for maintaining them, as well.

That’s why curation of the Everywhere Widget experience within your Operations Centre is designed to make your job as easy as possible.

The Operations Centre dashboard lets your admins:

  • Index PDFs, M365 Office and SharePoint Policy Pages for your AI Assistant to build answers from.
  • Build custom tabs to display new information within your Everywhere Widget, such as events, with granular targeting.
  • Integrate information from third-party tools, to ensure individuals receive notifications that are highly relevant to them, based on the applications they use the most.
  • And, much more.

Of course, admins also benefit when users can find information more easily – as it reduces the number of support tickets and technical issues they will encounter.

In short, there are cases where automation and streamlining for end-users makes life more difficult for admins. With the Everywhere Widget, the opposite couldn’t be truer.

So, are you ready to see what the Everywhere Widget can do for you?

Ready to start using the Everywhere Widget?

App-switching, support tickets, information overload: every productivity-stunting problem that knowledge workers encounter in large, complex organizations is what the Everywhere Widget is designed to resolve.

The Everywhere Widget is a tool that helps users get more work done, more quickly. It reduces the administrative burden on admins, and it enables organizations to bridge the gaps between business units and employees, creating a lean, agile machine that encourages innovation and knowledge sharing.

It’s incredible what such a small widget can do for your organization, but you don’t need us to tell you about it.

If you are a LiveTiles customer, you can try it today by getting in contact with your account manager. If you aren’t a LiveTiles Intranet user yet, then we invite you to book a demo to see how LiveTiles’s Gartner-rated ‘visionary’ and the Everywhere Widget can transform your organization.

More reading.

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