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Want to perform your best through the entire season of WFH distractions?  With LiveTiles’ Teams Support Program you get our industry leading expertise ensuring that you (not the cat) will be the star of the show.

Register your interest in our Teams Support Program below.

We're gonna make
you a WFH star!

Whether it’s the comfort of bad TV or nuzzles from Tabitha, support is key during WFH. With our Teams Support Service we’ll get you performing your best through the entire season of WFH.  With our expertise, you’ll be a Teams star in no time!

Teams tricks
(not baking tips).

While you’re enjoying that foam-art and homemade banana bread for breakfast, we’ve got some handy tips and tricks for you.  These Teams videos are fast, fun, and easy to digest (unlike that lump of bread). You’ll be blurring your background and adding Snapchat filters before lunchtime.

The plans that won’t
get cancelled.

Drinks are cancelled, dinner is on the couch, and that birthday party? Permanently on hold. You can follow through with at least one type of plan while you’re WFH.  Roll out Teams across your organization, with our easy-to-follow Teams Planner providing powerful collaboration and teamwork capabilities with handy visualisations.

The game that’s
technically work.

Hide and seek, multiple rounds of Monopoly, and hours on Houseparty. When you’re not working during WFH, it’s all about games.  With LiveTiles’ Teams Game, the fun extends to work hours.  Map out team structures, create team profiles, and build out your deployment plan with plenty of time left for playing fetch.

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